近日,具体的说来是4月15日,日本媒体《日本时报》(Japan Times)报道了日本政府做出的一项决定一则新闻,引发了中韩两国政府的警觉和谴责。
In a written answer approved at a Cabinet meeting Friday in response to an opposition lawmaker’s questions, the government said the German dictator’s book can be used in a way that adheres to the spirit of the basic education law, among other conditions.
If the book were used in a way that promotes racial discrimination, however, the government noted that would obviously be inappropriate and lead to a strict response from regulators.
这么短短的一篇报道,立即在韩国 、中国和俄罗斯媒体上得到了反应。这三国的媒体纷纷发表了相关的报道。
韩国的KBS World Radio网站刊登了韩联社的报道。在这篇报道中,不仅转引了《日本时报》的报道,同时也提供了《我的奋斗》一书的背景资料,以及德国在2014年将这本书列为“禁书”,不准出版的消息 。
"Mein Kampf," or "My Struggle," was written by Hitler while imprisoned after his failed Munich Putsch and published in 1925. It contains racist content and was required reading for Nazi members. In 2014, Germany prohibited all uncritical publication of Hitler's texts, including "Mein Kampf."
俄罗斯《今日俄罗斯》(Russian Today)网站也是转引了日本媒体的报道,同时指出,日本政府的这一行为并不是孤立的,在之前的几周,同样批准了日本帝国时期的《教育敕语》作为教材内容。
The decision came weeks after the controversial Imperial Rescript on Education in schools was approved for the same purposes.
“Use of the Imperial Rescript on Education as teaching material cannot be denied,” Japan’s cabinet said in a statement on March 31 this year.
In a written answer approved at a Japanese Cabinet meeting on April 14 in response to questions raised by a lawmaker from the opposition Democratic Progressive Party, the Japanese government said that the beneficial and appropriate contents of Adolf Hitler's autobiography "Mein Kampf" ("My Struggle") could be used in a way that adheres to the spirit of the basic education law, among other conditions. What is your comment?
A: The world knows perfectly well what kind of a book "Mein Kampf" is. The Japanese government agreed that some contents of such a book could be used in the textbooks for teenage students. No wonder that it has caused great concern among people inside Japan. Fascism and militarism, as the root causes of the WWII, must be exposed, criticized and eradicated once for all. On historical issues that concern the principle of right and wrong, there is no room for the slightest ambiguity and obscurity. We urge the Japanese side to deeply reflect upon and learn from historical lessons, educate its young people with the right view of history, unequivocally guard against and oppose poisonous thoughts of war, and win trust from its Asian neighbors and the international community with concrete actions.
The manga book describes both Hitler's autobiography and his infamous Nazi manifesto in the unlikely form of easy-to-read comic pictures and captions.
Since it was published in Japan last November, its popularity has soared, with sales of more than 45,000.
Manga enjoys a soaring popularity in Japan, with its most high-profile fans including the former prime minister Taro Aso.
“I am absolutely against the publication of ‘Mein Kampf,’ even with annotations. Can you annotate the Devil? Can you annotate a person like Hitler?” said Levi Salomon, spokesman for the Berlin-based Jewish Forum for Democracy and Against Anti-Semitism. “This book is outside of human logic.”
“This book is too dangerous for the general public,” library historian Florian Sepp warned as he carefully laid a first edition of “Mein Kampf” — Adolf Hitler’s autobiographical manifesto of hate — on a table in a restricted reading room.